My weekend Insights (17/10/2020)
I have over the years observed that some people envision work as a “curse”. It’s a not-so-polite word sounded in ears of some majority.
Most people express joy on social media at the sound of some random or consecutive public holidays. In the same measure, they hide not their disappointment towards “wasted” public holidays for those that fall on weekends.
Well, some have advised us not to work hard but SMART, but am yet to be convinced later on convince self that there are short cuts to flourishing to a finished piece without working hard in the equation.
The things we see all around today have been created by creative thinkers who have allowed God’s delegated responsibility of work.
“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:28
Work is therefore a divine calling from God and should be taken seriously. Like i mentioned earlier, the world is ruled by people who have taken up this divine delegation (Proverbs 12:24).
It should however be noted that working hard goes hand in hand with excellence since the boss is an excellent God. Let’s always work hard, imitating our Father who analysed what he created and appreciated it “it was good”.
Do you have anything you’re doing currently, i appeal to you to triple your effort but also importantly add that eye of excellence.
May God energize you and me to take up the mandate as co-creators.
It is our time to redeem Africa from the influx of “intruders”. We can’t do that if we spend the biggest percentage of time in unproductive ventures.
Let me pen off with the words of a reknown business leader John E. Schrock; there is a law in life: Anything that doesn’t work is either fixed or thrown away. This law holds true for people as well, if we don’t work – or won’t work – we are discarded and rejected. Jesus said, “If the salt has lost its flavor (or value), it becomes good for nothing and will be cast out and rejected.”
We are to create value in order to be accepted. We have a great opportunity in our world today. Be a hard worker, out- perform others, do what others won’t do and you will not only become a leader, but also a rare specie..yes one on high demand.
If you want a good future, be a hard worker!